DogServices is dedicated to providing the finest dog boarding and dog daycare facilities in Richmond and Glen Allen, Virginia. Founded in 1990 by local dog trainer Donna Crumpler, the business began when clients started asking her to care for their pets during vacations. In 2007, after 18 successful years, Donna handed over the leash to a group of investors who were (and remain) loyal clients. Since then, DogServices has added a Short Pump location and focused on attracting, developing, and retaining a high-caliber staff of dedicated dog professionals. DogServices focuses every day on safety, cleanliness, client-communication, and tail-wagging dog happiness. Our care is distinguished by 24-hour on-site staffing, dog-behavior evaluations, a 3-point safety check system and more. Visit one of our three locations to find out how DogServices’ experience and expertise can make the difference for you and you dog.

4800 Thalbro
Richmond, VA 23260

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